How to Use Your Clever Fox Weekly Planner Properly

Be Grateful for What You Have, Think About What You Love to Do, and Learn New Habits and Skills

- Gratitude is an immensely powerful force that we can use to increase our happiness, relationships, and productivity, and even to improve our health.
- Life is short. You need to find what you’re passionate about, and what makes you excited to get out of bed every day.
- Achieving your goals is not the result of a one-off transformation—rather, it is the product of daily habits. We become what we repeatedly do.
- Affirmations are a proven method of self-improvement because of their ability to purify our thoughts and to restructure the dynamic of our brains so that we truly begin to believe that nothing is impossible.
Create a Vision For Your Life

Charge your subconscious mind and attract the power of the universe to help you achieve your desires.
Set Your Goals

Setting goals is the first step of success. List the top three goals of each area of your life that you’d like to achieve within the next year.
Choose Your 5 Most Important 1-Year Goals, and Break Them Down

People often overestimate what they can accomplish in a year. Having clear priorities and focusing on them is the key to success.
- Choose ONLY your 5 most important goals for this year, and stick to them.
- Use the S.M.A.R.T. technique to ensure that your goals are clear and reachable.
- Don’t let big goals intimidate you. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps—a mind map is a great way to do this.
Monthly Layout

Pick one day at the beginning of each month to set aside 30 minutes or an hour to plan the coming month.
- Set your most important goals for the month. Review the “My Focus” page and reflect on your yearly goals, then look at the breakdown. Write down this month's goals, which should be aligned with your yearly goals.
- Write down the habits you are going to adopt this month, the skills you will learn, the distractions you will avoid (e.g. social media while working), the places you want to visit, and the people you want to see.
- Fill in events and appointments in the appropriate boxes.
- At the end of the month, reflect on the past month and note your 3 biggest wins.
- Think about how you could do better next month.
Weekly Layout

This Weekly layout is exclusive to our Weekly Planners which run for 1 year.
Pick one day at the beginning of each month to set aside 30 minutes or an hour to plan the coming month.
- Set your most important goal of the week. If this were the only thing you achieved during the week, it would have the biggest impact on your progress toward achieving your monthly goals. Reward yourself once you have achieved this goal.
- Write down your week's other priorities.These are non-negotiable tasks that you must complete this week.
- Fill in the habits and daily rituals that you will perform each day this week. Don’t forget to mark the circle each day after you have completed your habit or daily routine.
- Write down your personal to-do list. This list shows your errands and follow-up tasks.
- Looking at your weekly agenda, write down mandatory appointments and tasks for each day of the week.
- At the end of the week, reflect on the past seven days, and reward yourself if you have achieved your main goal. Then, note your 3 biggest wins, and think about how you could do even better next week.